Our first monthly forró JAM was a success!
We were very pleased indeed with our very first monthly JAM at Forró Family - The idea is to entice dancers from all over the UK and beyond, to enjoy a full day of dancing with hints and tips from top dancers, plus an Improvers class from a guest teacher too.
There were carloads of forrózeiros arriving from every corner of the UK, down from Birmingham, across from Cambridge and up from Brighton too.. So nice to see how forró is taking off all over the country!

The JAM started at 2pm and we danced solidly until 5pm, stopping only for a breather in the sun or a top tip from this week's guests, Jonathan Genet, Julia Werner, Jeff Douglass and Cyrielle Delyaie.
The improver class was a blessing too, with Lina from Berlin teaching us to Xique-xique as was always intended.. Yey!
Thank-you to everyone who came along, and especially those who were still dancing down the road at Paesan until 3am - This takes proper stamina (or at least 3 Caipirinhas).
Our next JAM is planned for May 13th - Looking forward!